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2024-09-02 10:34:04

1.众口难调 我做不到让所有人都喜欢我 毕竟不是所有人都是人

I can't make everyone like me. After all, not everyone is human.

2.自己爱自己 比任何人来爱都靠谱

It's better to love yourself than anyone else.

3.对于那些错过的人 只能送他们三个字 瞎了眼

For those who missed me, they were blinded by three words.

4.有困难尽管跟我说 反正我也帮不了你

I can't help you in spite of the difficulties.

5.人生就像愤怒的小鸟 当你失败时 总有几头猪在笑

Life is like angry birds. When you fail, there are always some pigs laughing.

6.根本不在乎的事 何必又去再解释

Why do you have to explain something you don't care about at all?

7.如果一切变得乏味 我不介意半途而废

If everything gets boring, I don't mind giving up halfway.

8.其实也没有什么放不下的 只是不想放下罢了

In fact, there is nothing to put down, just don't want to put it on.

我能饮下烈酒 也能熬过没有你的深秋

希望你一生没有软肋 不像我

别人一提到你 我就输了
